This show is about a repossessing company owned by Lou located in California. Lou's daughter Lyndah and sister Sonia work for him as well and Sonia's ex-husband Froy and a friend Matt works for the company as well. All 5 of them are sent out to repossess cars and of course run into all kinds of characters along the way.
One of my favorite episodes of all time is one where Matt and Sonia go to this house to repossess some kid's Toyota or something and him and his friends attack Matt and bite him. They are all crawling around on the ground like weird vampires or something and when Matt confronts the teenager that owns the car, one jumps on his back and bites him. The funniest part about this was that Sonia was pissed afterwards that she wasn't invited to the party. She even tells the kid when she drives off to invite her to the next one lol. It was her kind of house she said because the porchlights were all red and it was totally dark in and around the house besides for the creepy red lights. Matt of course (who is a huge baby) freaks out and I think he pepper sprays the kids (there were 4 of them). Finally they get the keys and leave.
People may think that this is scripted (and I do too sometimes), but either way, it is hilarious because if it is scripted, these people think of some retarded things. Some of them I dont think are scripted only because Froy has had a head wound before and other people have gotten hurt... Lou even lands himself in the hospital with heart problems.
Everyone should give this show a try. The new episodes are on TV on Thursdays, but there are a lot of replays on TV no matter what day or time, so you are sure to catch one that you will find totally entertaining!
hahahahaha that episode was hiliarious!!! You know how we do, always watching the good stuff! Good article babe, I like it!